We are pleased to present Virtuemart Ajax Live Search v1.0.5. This release majorly address the product ordering problems, loading issue on large stores and include lots of code improvements and additional features.
Products sorting feature:
Product sorting increases the effectiveness of your online product catalog and can increase your conversion rates. We have implemented this "Products ordering feature" in this release. Now, you can change the order of your products to best suit your inventory. Products can be sorted based on Product ID, Product name, SKU, Product creation date, Category name and Product ordering.
To change the products ordering, just select a option here: Extensions > Modules > Ajax Live Search for Virtuemart > Settings > Product Settings > Order by.
Similarly, you can also change the ordering direction here: Extensions > Modules > Ajax Live Search for Virtuemart > Settings > Product Settings > Ordering direction.
"Load More" products feature:
This option will add a "Load more" link to products results section. When the user click the "Load more" link, it will load the next set of products.
Based on the "Products Limit" settings, each time it will fetch the limited amount of products and show it in search results area. So, it will minimize the loading time.
The following image will demonstrate the "Load more" feature:
For example, in this following image, the "Product Limit" setting is set to "5". So, the search result shows the first five products in the initial request and when click the "Load more" link, it will load the next five products.
Load more feature demo: http://demo.jeyamtemplates.com/products/joomla/extensions/monitors.html
Use the search keyword "Mo" to see the Load more feature in action.
Shop Type:
There are two options "Medium" and "Large" are available in this setting. You can choose one based on your shop size.
Difference between "Medium" and "Large" Types:
"Medium" shop type option uses the virtuemart default queries to get/fetch the products. Basically, virtuemart default queries will load all the product fields and options, which(fields and options) may not be usable for the search module.
"Large" shop type option uses the optimized, custom database queries to fetch the products with needed fields only. So, it will be a little time faster than "Medium" shop type option.
You can purchase this Joomla/Virtuemart Ajax Live Search Module here: https://www.jeyamtemplates.com/joomla-modules/virtuemart-ajax-live-search.html